Caleb Ray String Art

Fresh out of college, Caleb Ray uses string, nails, and wood to create beautifully intricate works of art that adorn the walls of houses and dorm rooms everywhere. The Prosper, Texas native feels fortunate to have turned what started out as a fun hobby into a successful small business. This is just the beginning for Caleb Ray String Art.

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How and when did you start doing string art?

My freshman year of college, I saw a smaller string art on Pinterest for the first time. I thought I could do it bigger and better so I made one for my mom for Mother’s Day. She posted a picture of it on her Facebook, and since then, people have been asking me to make ones for them. It took off from there. It used to be just a thing I would do over the summer for extra money, but I’ve since been able to do this almost full time.

How long does it usually take you to do a piece?

It varies. Smaller pieces I can do in two days. Larger ones take about a day to prep the wood, a day to sketch it out and nail, and a day to do the string. That’s only if I’m just doing one at a time. I’m usually working on about two or three, so I tell customers that it will take two weeks so that I have time to take breaks and fix or change things if any problems come up or they want something changed.

Do customers usually know exactly what they want or do you collaborate with them to figure it out?

Most know what they want based on others I’ve done. Some leave the color of string or type of wood up to me, but they want the color of wood to match where they are going to be putting it, like their living room or dorm.

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Do you have a favorite piece you’ve done?

I have three – each for a different purpose. The superhero one because I had not painted pictures on any of my pieces before that one. The Ohio State one because it’s very large and was very intricate to string. The “your grace is enough” because of the color of the wood. The more I do, the more I learn some new technique or a way to make each better. So each new one tends to be my new favorite for the moment.

What are you most excited for at Pop-Up?

I’m not really sure what to expect, but I’m looking forward to seeing the other vendors and what everyone there can do and make.

What can we expect from you at Pop-Up?

I will be having smaller more seasonal pieces as well as general designs. I will also have pictures of past pieces and a sheet if people want to commission a more custom piece.

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Come see Caleb’s work at Buttoned Pop-Up on November 10 at Pinewood Roasters, and check out Caleb Ray String Art on Instagram and Facebook.