Sustainably Sourcing Knitwear


Here in Central Texas, where winter days rarely drop to subzero temps, we still crave the coziness of leaning into the winter staples: thick sweaters, socks, teas, and books. In the season where cold-weather clothes abound, it can be daunting to source quality knitwear that is sustainably thrifted or sourced. We curated a list of places to start searching!

Vintage Knitwear Curators

One of the best ways to practice ethical clothing consumption is to buy vintage! Curators do the hard work for you by sourcing high-quality knits that guarantee you have a one-of-a-kind piece. These are some of our favorite small businesses to find winter sweaters from!






@lu__land (a local Waco small business!)

Knitwear Splurges

These brands fall on the higher price range, as they employ wools/knits of extreme quality, work with local artisans around the world, and practice ethical, fair-trade standards. Look to these brands as leaders in sustainable splurges!

The Knotty Ones


Jenni Kayne

Written & Edited by Ruthann Daniel

Photo sourced from WKND Goods (@w.k.n.d) 

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