Hailey Gray


Classification: Senior

Major: Apparel Design and Product Development 

Hometown: Madison, Mississippi 


Hailey Gray knows how to style any look together in an instant. She is bubbly, creative and wants to be a personal stylist after graduation. All these reasons make Hailey this week’s So Hot Right Now! 

1. How would you describe your own personal style?

I can’t put it in a box because it depends on the activity I am doing. It’s like edgy but with some color. Really any item of clothing that I see, and it looks cool to me, then I’ll wear it. It changes frequently for me with what I like. 


2. What made you want to go into fashion?

I feel like I have a lot of stored creativity in my brain, and I knew that I wouldn’t be happy in a career field that wouldn’t give me an outlet for that. It’s been my dream since I was a little girl to own a boutique or be a fashion designer. I know my career path has shifted, but I still love fashion and the creative expression it allows me and others. 

3. What do you want to do with a fashion degree? 

Right now, I am thinking I would love to be a personal stylist. I’ve always enjoyed getting friends ready for events and lending out clothes to friends for events. I have recently realized that I can turn that into a career. 

4. How do you find inspiration for your style and new trends?

All forms of social media, but I would say direct inspiration comes from things like Pinterest for projects and stuff. But my own style and keeping up with the world is Instagram. That is my main social media platform, and my feed is full of stylists, celebrities and brands. 

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5. What are your favorite trends right now?

Monochromatic looks - it’s a game for me to put together a monochrome outfit. I’m also really into sneakers cause they’re practical but you can have so many options. 

6. Who is your style icon that you look up to?

Hailey Bieber, but I also know that she has a stylist, so I guess I look up to her stylist. Her stylist is Maeve Reilly. She’s a boss ass bitch. 

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7. What’s your favorite piece of clothing and how do you style it? 

I have a vintage Nike windbreaker, and it is all white, and it was my mom’s when she was my age. It makes me really happy when I wear it. I style it with a black bodysuit, some pinstriped business type pants, white sneakers and gold jewelry. 

What she’s wearing: 

Lace top: Thrifted 

Top: Vintage Nascar, thrifted

Pants: Vintage denim, thrifted

Jewelry: Thrifted

Belt: Fox and Gray

Shoes: Thrifted 


Written by: Victoria Nelon

Photographed by: Victoria Nelon 

Edited by: Josie Gruber